Tuesday, June 01, 2004

where did the weekend go?

Memorial Day weekend caught me, as usual, unawares. Funny thing about most non-Jewish holidays: I don't anticipate them in time to make any sort of plans. This was a real problem when I had a day job--suddenly, I'd have a three-day weekend to play with, but no time to make plans because everything had been booked up already.

I specify "non-Jewish" because I really think that's part of the issue. Although I was born here, as were both of my parents, as a kid I still felt something like an immigrant. So the really US-oriented holidays I tend to ignore because I feel like, hey, we weren't here yet, and the ones with religious overtones, I tend to ignore because they're not my faith. Which knocks out, I gotta tell you, most American holidays for me. Halloween's the only one I ever really see coming, Halloween and New Year's, and it helps that they're on very easy days to remember.

So what did happen this weekend? I worked my first catering job in approximately six months on Saturday, and it didn't suck. All my protestations to the contrary, I might be able to continue doing that work for a while longer, although I don't plan to take more than two jobs a week if I can help it. More than that and it starts to eat my brain. But Saturday was nice. I wasn't managing, so I could just be helpful and cheerful and pass hors d'ouevres and not worry about the shape of the whole event. A chef who had been out with something like throat cancer when I left was back and seemed to be in pretty good shape; I was very glad to see him and made sure he knew it. Sometimes he and I dance in the kitchen, when things are slow. I'm glad not to have lost my dance partner, I told him, and then sailed back out with a tray of tiny barbecued pork-and-spicy-cole-slaw sandwiches. It was a heavily Atkinsized crowd, which sometimes works my last nerve--all those people refusing appetizers because of the itty-bitty bread bases--but this time, I just said things like, I won't tell anyone if you eat the top and leave the bottom and kept going.

So, not awful. Not as much fun as writing or modeling, but tolerable and sometimes funny. And the checks clear.

The rest of the weekend, I slept, read, and ate. I think. Somehow it's Tuesday now. I still haven't heard whether I got the Spaceship, which I think is a bad sign; I left an email for the property manager but I'm not too hopeful. An exciting thing happened around writing that I'll blog separately. I did laundry. I spent a pleasant evening at Pavlova's drinking red wine and listening to Miniver and 3Jake arguing over who could take Superman; Pavlova was making a face suggesting that she'd like to throw them out, but no such. I took LabRat out for a belated fortieth-birthday dinner and we discussed the future of the dojo.

Big weekend.